Hi, I’m Junting Wang.

PhD Piano Guitar Lifting Photography

I’m a third year Ph.D. student at Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, working with Prof. Hari Sundaram. I received both my B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2020 and 2022.

I was also an Applied Scientist Intern at Entity Resolution (2022) and International Machine Learning (2024) team @Amazon.

My broader research interests span recommender systems and graph neural networks, with a particular focus on trustworthiness, such as generalizability, and on addressing sparsity challenges like long-tail item recommendation. I am also currently working on integrating LLMs and causal representation learning into recommendation systems.

Contact me via:
📧 Mail: jtwang.98[AT]gmail.com or junting3[AT]illinois.edu

What's new:

  • [11/2024] New website online.
  • [07/2024] RecSys'24: "A Pre-trained Sequential Recommendation Framework: Popularity Dynamics for Zero-shot Transfer". [Code/PDF]
  • [05/2024] 🧑‍💻Intern@Amazon: Starting my Applied Scientist Internship!

Selected Publications (Google Scholar)

"A Pre-trained Sequential Recommendation Framework: Popularity Dynamics for Zero-shot Transfer"
Junting Wang, et al. In RecSys'24.
"ProtoCF: Prototypical Collaborative Filtering for Few-shot Recommendation"
Junting Wang, et al. RecSys'21.
"Beyond Localized Graph Neural Networks: An Attributed Motif Regularization Framework"
Junting Wang, et al. In ICDM'20.

Fun Facts

  • 🎹 I’ve been playing the piano since I was four years old, and I still make an effort to practice daily. I also compose my own music from time to time.
  • 📸 I took up photography in 2020 during the pandemic and share some of my photos in the gallery here.
  • 💪 I enjoy lifting weights and have been focused on powerlifting since 2018. My goal is to compete in a powerlifting competition before I graduate.

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